4. Charity and not for profit relief
Charitable organisations registered under the Charity Act 1960 and occupying a non-domestic property for that purpose, are entitled to business rates relief of 80% of the full bill or of the transitional bill where transitional arrangements apply.
Charity Relief
We have the discretion to reduce all or part of the remaining 20% of the charity's bill. When applying for relief please ensure you include your charity's registration number and enclose a copy of your Articles of Association, Statement of Aims and Objects or Trust documents.
Non Profit Making Organisation Relief
We also have the discretion to reduce all or part of any rates bill in respect of a business rated property occupied by certain bodies not established or conducted for profit and whose main objects are charitable or philanthropic or religious or concerned with education, social welfare, science, literature, fine arts or the occupier is a club concerned with recreation.
Examples of these bodies are as follows:
- Youth Clubs
- Social Welfare Groups
- Grant Assisted Schools
- Village Halls
- Cultural Organisations
When making your application please ensure that you enclose a copy of your latest audited trading accounts.
To apply for Charity Relief or Non Profit Relief please download and complete the application form.