1. Small business rate relief
Small business rate relief is aimed at helping small businesses where they are not entitled to another mandatory relief.
Relief is based on the rateable value (RV) of your business in the relevant valuation period. The RV figures for the current valuation period are given here.
Who qualifies?
- businesses that occupy only one property in England.
- have a rateable value (RV) of less than £15,000.
- businesses may qualify if they occupy one main property and other additional properties, providing that:
- the additional properties do not have individual RVs of more than £2,899; and
- the combined RV of all the properties is under £19,999.
Businesses receiving Small Business Rate Relief that take on an additional property which would currently disqualify them from receiving relief, will continue to receive their existing relief for 12 months.
Small business rate relief is funded by a supplement added to all other rates bills. However, if your property has a rateable value above £12,000 but below £50,999, your bill has already been calculated using the lower small business multiplier. This means that although you are not entitled to the relief, you will not have to pay the supplement.
How much relief will I get?
Relief is on a sliding scale:
- properties with a rateable value (RV) of up to £12,000 get 100% relief.
- for properties with a RV between £12,000 and £15,000, relief goes down gradually from 100% at £12,000 to 0% at £15,000.
- properties with a rateable value of £15,001 to 50,999 will use the lower multiplier
- properties with a rateable value of £51,000 and above will use the standard multiplier
How to apply
Download a claim form to print off, fill in and send to us or contact us to get a copy to fill in.