2. If you disagree with your Council Tax reduction award
If you think your Council Tax bill is wrong you should contact us as soon as possible; however, you must still keep your payments up to date until your appeal is decided.
You can appeal if you think:
- you should be entitled to a Council Tax reduction under the Council Tax Reduction Scheme
- the amount of Council Tax reduction to which you are entitled is wrong
If you wish to appeal you must write to the council stating your name, current address and the property address the appeal relates to. You must also state the decision you are unhappy with and why you are unhappy with it.
Appeals can only be made by the person whose name appears on the bill.
The council will consider the appeal within two months of receipt. If after this time the council rejects your appeal, or fails to act on the issue to your satisfaction, you can appeal to a Valuation Tribunal.
You must do this within two months of the date the council notified you of their decision, or if you hear nothing, within four months of the date that you wrote to us.
Dissatisfied with the outcome, or have more than two months lapsed since the date of your written appeal?
If a response has not been given within a period of two months from the date of the written appeal, or where the council has considered the appeal and notified you of the outcome in writing but you remain dissatisfied, you may further appeal in writing to the Valuation Tribunal within two months.
The following specific matters shall not be the subject of an appeal under these provisions:
- the local Council Tax Reduction Scheme provisions as set by the council
- any discretion applied to recover an overpayment of council tax reduction
- who to recover an overpayment of council tax reduction from suspending or restoring council tax reduction
You may also at any time, in writing, request the council to review your entitlement to Council Tax reduction, or the amount of any reduction, outside of the provisions for appeals detailed above.