4. Disregarded Income - Working Age Scheme
Income disregards
This is a summarised list, to view the list in full please see Council Tax Reduction scheme
Schedule 2
Disregards from earnings
- (a) £25.00 from net earnings
- (b) childcare up to £175.00 one child or £300.00 for 2 or more children
- Only one disregard of each type per application
Schedule 3
Other income disregards
- Amounts paid by way of tax on income, see paragraph 1 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
- Travel/other expenses when on Mandatory Work Activity Scheme
- Travel/other expenses when on Employment, Skills and Enterprise or Back to Work Scheme for 52 weeks from date of payment
- Expenses for charitable work
- Expenses when participating as a service user
- Job expenses
- Income Support, Income Based Job Seeker’s Allowance and Income Based Employment Support Allowance
- A partner’s income as above
- N/A
- Disability Living Allowance, PIP or AFIP
- Carer’s Allowance
- Windrush Compensation payments
- Compensation payments for non-payment of Income Support, JSA, ESA, DLA, PIP or AFIP
- Mobility Supplements and Military Persons Injuries payments
- Attendance Allowance
- Payments to holders of the Victoria Cross
- Education Maintenance Allowance
- Teacher Student loans under Education Regs 2002
- Payments to substitute Income Support, JSA, ESA Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance to cover living expenses whilst in education
- Charitable, voluntary and personal injury payments
- Annuity purchase payments
- The above does not apply when the payment is made by a former partner of the applicant or the parent of a child where the child is a member of the applicant’s family
- War Pension
- War Widow’s Pension
- Guaranteed Income payment
- Payments to victims of National Socialist persecution by the Federal Republic of Germany or the Republic of Austria
- N/A
- Any income derived from capital – refer to paragraph 23 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction scheme 2020
- Parental contribution to the upkeep of a student – refer to paragraph 24 SCHECULE 3of the full Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
- As above
- Payments made by a child or non-dependant of the applicant
- Up to £20.00 per week rental payments from lodgers or lodgers’ family members
- Up to £20.00 for board and lodgings plus 50% of any payment over £20.00 for board and lodgings
- Income in Kind
- Income paid outside UK that cannot be transferred into the UK
- Adoption income. See paragraph 31 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
- Payments made by a local authority or voluntary organisation for looking after a child
- Payments made by a local authority, health authority or voluntary organisation for the temporary care of a person – see paragraph 33 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction scheme 2020
- Payments made by a local authority in accordance with section 17,23B 23C or 24A of the Children Act 1989
- Payments made by former cared-for persons to the applicant.
- Insurance payments, see paragraph 36 schedule 3 of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
- Income which is to be treated as capital
- Social Fund or Welfare Provision payments
- Currency Conversion or bank charges
- See paragraph 40 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
- Payments from Skipton Fund, Eileen Trust, MFET, Caxton Foundation or Independent Living Fund
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit/Support
- Compensation payment for the loss of Housing Benefit
- Payments made to attend Jury Service
- Payments made in consequence of reduction in council tax
- Costs to cover travel and health/treatment
- Milk tokens, healthy start vouchers, vitamin vouchers
- Payments to assist visiting relatives in custody
- £15.00 of maintenance paid other than child maintenance
- Child maintenance
- Payments made to disabled persons to assist in obtaining or retaining employment
- Guardian’s Allowance
- War Pensions increases for dependants
- War Pension Supplementary payments
- Supplementary War Pensions paid to Widows/ers
- War Widow/er’s Pension
- Council Tax Reduction/benefit
- Payments for health care
- Payments from the self-employed route to cover expenses wholly and necessarily incurred
- Sports awards
- Payments of subsistence allowance which exceed JSAib
- Payments, grant, fees, loans or otherwise for applicants on an employment zone programme
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Independent Living payments
- Bereavement Support payments
- Direct payments under Section 49 of the Children and Families Act 2014
- Payments from London Emergency Fund and We Love Manchester Fund
- Child Benefit
- Any funds disregarded for HB under the emergency funds amend regs 2017
- The support component of Employment and Support Allowance