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Council Tax reduction

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4. Disregarded Income - Working Age Scheme

Income disregards

This is a summarised list, to view the list in full please see Council Tax Reduction scheme

Schedule 2

Disregards from earnings

  1. (a) £25.00 from net earnings
  2. (b) childcare up to £175.00 one child or £300.00 for 2 or more children
  3. Only one disregard of each type per application

Schedule 3

Other income disregards

  1. Amounts paid by way of tax on income, see paragraph 1 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
  2. Travel/other expenses when on Mandatory Work Activity Scheme
  3. Travel/other expenses when on Employment, Skills and Enterprise or Back to Work Scheme for 52 weeks from date of payment
  4. Expenses for charitable work
  5. Expenses when participating as a service user
  6. Job expenses
  7. Income Support, Income Based Job Seeker’s Allowance and Income Based Employment Support Allowance
  8. A partner’s income as above
  9. N/A
  10. Disability Living Allowance, PIP or AFIP
  11. Carer’s Allowance
  12. Windrush Compensation payments
  13. Compensation payments for non-payment of Income Support, JSA, ESA, DLA, PIP or AFIP
  14. Mobility Supplements and Military Persons Injuries payments
  15. Attendance Allowance
  16. Payments to holders of the Victoria Cross
  17. Education Maintenance Allowance
  18. Teacher Student loans under Education Regs 2002
  19. Payments to substitute Income Support, JSA, ESA Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance to cover living expenses whilst in education
    • Charitable, voluntary and personal injury payments
    • Annuity purchase payments
    • The above does not apply when the payment is made by a former partner of the applicant or the parent of a child where the child is a member of the applicant’s family
    • War Pension
    • War Widow’s Pension
    • Guaranteed Income payment
    • Payments to victims of National Socialist persecution by the Federal Republic of Germany or the Republic of Austria
  22. N/A
  23. Any income derived from capital – refer to paragraph 23 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction scheme 2020
  24. Parental contribution to the upkeep of a student – refer to paragraph 24 SCHECULE 3of the full Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
  25. As above
  26. Payments made by a child or non-dependant of the applicant
  27. Up to £20.00 per week rental payments from lodgers or lodgers’ family members
  28. Up to £20.00 for board and lodgings plus 50% of any payment over £20.00 for board and lodgings
  29. Income in Kind
  30. Income paid outside UK that cannot be transferred into the UK
  31. Adoption income. See paragraph 31 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
  32. Payments made by a local authority or voluntary organisation for looking after a child
  33. Payments made by a local authority, health authority or voluntary organisation for the temporary care of a person – see paragraph 33 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction scheme 2020
  34. Payments made by a local authority in accordance with section 17,23B 23C or 24A of the Children Act 1989
  35. Payments made by former cared-for persons to the applicant.
  36. Insurance payments, see paragraph 36 schedule 3 of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
  37. Income which is to be treated as capital
  38. Social Fund or Welfare Provision payments
  39. Currency Conversion or bank charges
  40. See paragraph 40 schedule 3 of the full Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2020
  41. Payments from Skipton Fund, Eileen Trust, MFET, Caxton Foundation or Independent Living Fund
  42. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit/Support
  43. Compensation payment for the loss of Housing Benefit
  44. Payments made to attend Jury Service
  45. Payments made in consequence of reduction in council tax
  46. Costs to cover travel and health/treatment
  47. Milk tokens, healthy start vouchers, vitamin vouchers
  48. Payments to assist visiting relatives in custody
  49. £15.00 of maintenance paid other than child maintenance
  50. Child maintenance
  51. Payments made to disabled persons to assist in obtaining or retaining employment
  52. Guardian’s Allowance
  53. War Pensions increases for dependants
  54. War Pension Supplementary payments
  55. Supplementary War Pensions paid to Widows/ers
  56. War Widow/er’s Pension
  57. Council Tax Reduction/benefit
  58. Payments for health care
  59. Payments from the self-employed route to cover expenses wholly and necessarily incurred
  60. Sports awards
  61. Payments of subsistence allowance which exceed JSAib
  62. Payments, grant, fees, loans or otherwise for applicants on an employment zone programme
  63. Discretionary Housing Payments
  64. Independent Living payments
  65. Bereavement Support payments
  66. Direct payments under Section 49 of the Children and Families Act 2014
  67. Payments from London Emergency Fund and We Love Manchester Fund
  68. Child Benefit
  69. Any funds disregarded for HB under the emergency funds amend regs 2017
  70. The support component of Employment and Support Allowance