Public health and social care
The following websites provide guidance and advice on improving health and social care, and gives current data on public health matters in your local area.
Take the One You quiz, download the free app and get practical advice and support on topics such as smoking, drinking, eating, sleep and stress.
How your actions can help slow down our personal contributions to climate change helping to make the air cleaner, cutting your risk of long term health conditions and helping you and your family live happier, longer lives.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
National guidance and advice to improving health and social care.
Public Health England (PHE) Fingertips Tools
Public health profiles and tools for improving public health.
Information on Devon’s Health and Wellbeing Board, Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Annual Public Health Reports, Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and a library of strategies, plans, needs assessments and other reports and information relevant to health and wellbeing in Devon.
Public Health England (PHE) Data and Analysis Tools
Tools and resources to help public health professionals make decisions and plans in order to improve people's health and reduce inequalities in their area.
Local support for health and social care.
Community and Voluntary Service.
Up-to-date data about your local area and the performance of your council or fire and rescue authority.