Vary a Designated Premises Supervisor
Vary a premises licence to specify someone as a designated premises supervisor (DPS)
All premises making any retail sale of alcohol has to specify an individual who will take responsibility for the day to day control and authorise other staff members to sell alcohol.
Whoever holds this role will be named on the licence and will need to be named on any application and give their consent.
If there is no DPS specified on the licence, no alcohol can be sold.
The application must be made by the existing Licence holder or their agent and will need to be accompanied by a completed consent form signed by the new designated premises supervisor.
The new DPS must be a personal licence holder.
There is a fee of £23.
Start the journey
More info about the journey
- Completed application and consent form
- A credit/debit card
- notify the existing Designated premises supervisor at the premises, in writing
We will check your application to see that it has been submitted correctly we will contact you if we require further details.
The police have 14 days from the day they receive the application to make a representation. If a representation is not received your licence will be granted and issued.
If the police do make a representation, the application will be determined at a hearing before our Licensing and Regulatory sub committee and we will write to you with our decision.