Help with MyAccount
Help with MyAccount
I have registered, but have not received an account activation email.
Once you have entered your email address and have created a password, you should receive an email which activates your account. If you don't see this email in your inbox, please check your spam/Junk email folder.
Password creation
Please use 9 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers and symbols.
How do I logout of MyAccount?
Simply click on the drop down arrow next to your name, select Logout.
I've forgotten my password
There's a link to 'Forgotten Your Password' on the login page.
Error message when logging into MyAccount?
You must use your username and password that you registered with. The password is case sensitive. If, after 5 failed attempts your account will be locked for 6 hours.
How do I change my personal details?
You can update your contact details, including you address under the My Profile section of your MyAccount. Please note this only updates your MyAccount profile and does not update all council services.
To update Council Tax, please complete the Moving Home form – To update Elections, please complete the Register to vote form – To update Devon Home Choice, please Log In to your Devon Home Choice account.
Can I save credit/debit card details to MyAccount?
No, this is not possible at present.
How do I delete my account?
You have the option of withdrawing your consent and deleting your account at any time. Please contact us by emailing using the email address you registered with to request your account to be deleted.