Examination Library - Representation Attachments
ATT-001 Representation Attachments – Submission
- FS-Case-000000001 - McMurdo Planning and Development on behalf of the Rew Family - land at The Priory and land adjacent to South Devon Link Road
- FS-Case-000000002 - McMurdo Planning and Development on behalf of Stuart Properties - GC20, North of Forches and Perry Cross
- FS-Case-000000003 - McMurdo Planning and Development on behalf of Wyse Group - V3 Bakers Yard and comments on housing and employment land supply
- FS-Case-000000004 - McMurdo Planning and Development on behalf of SE Davies - Land adjacent GC17 Berry Knowles and comments on housing land supply and Duty to Cooperate
- FS-Case-465476283 - Roach Planning and Environment Ltd - RT2 Bradley Bends and illustrative masterplan
- FS-Case-480869712 - Christopher Grimshaw
Conservation status - Natural England Guidance on Grey long eared bats
Comments on Policy V2 Forder Lane
Grey Long Eared bats - Conserving Grey long eared bats in our Landscape, a conservation management plan, University of Bristol and Bat Conservation Trust - FS-Case-486686627 - Bell Cornwell on behalf of Brookside Group Ltd
Site Plan Liverton
Site Submission Liverton
- FS-Case-489508283 - Mill Green Estates
Figure 1 Site Plan Westwater Hill
Figure 2 Site Photographs
Figure 3 Former Machinery Sales Area Layout Plans
Figure 4 Former Workshop & Offices Layout Plan Work
Figure 5 Proposed New Business Units, Whitestone - FS-Case-490214184 - Taylor Whitehouse Planning
Existing Site Plan
Proposed Site Plan - Plum Tree Cottage - FS-Case-491273570 - Janet Wakerley - Land at Chudleigh
- FS-Case-492617309 - LRM Planning on behalf of Mr and Mrs G Irvine - Land at Shaldon
- FS-Case-493844283 - Turley
Hele Park
Langford Bridge - FS-Case-494027088 - Roach Planning on behalf of Eagle One Homes - Hackney Lane, Kingsteignton
- FS-Case-494329107 - WWD Architects - Policy GC13
- FS-Case-494348981 - Savills on behalf of Mr M Boyle and Ms P Dart - Land at Browns Farm, Kennford
- FS-Case-494766277 - Peloton Land Ltd - Land South of Aller
Competing Sites Assessment
Public Transport Review
Site and location Photos
Site location Plan
Transport Appraisal - FS-Case-494822850 - Steve Anderson Planning & Development
- FS-Case-494940347 - Sarah Human - Policy GC13
- FS-Case-495092545 - Devon County Council - Policy EE1 Landscape & Visual Appraisal
- FS-Case-495141147 - Ilsington Parish Council
Document Including Appendices - GC13
Proposed site - V11 - FS-Case-495144461 - Kevin Sharp - GC13
- FS-Case-495148743 - Ilsington Parish Council - V11
- FS-Case-495188656 - Kevin Sharp - V11
- FS-Case-495211705 - Jillings Hutton Planning on behalf of Livewest
- FS-Case-495255213 - Taylor Wimpey
Comments - GP2, GP3, GP8, H1, EE4
EDR Final - EE4 Ecological Report
Heritage Impact Assessment
Master Plan - EE4
Transport Strategy - FS-Case-495467162 - Bell Cornwell on behalf of Farm Developments Ltd
Concept Planning Brief
Submission Response
Surface Water Drainage - FS-Case-495476283 - Roach Planning and Environment Limited - RT2
- FS-Case-495557543 - Barton Willmore, now Stantec on behalf of Strongvox Ltd
Concept Masterplan
Flood Risk Screening Addendum
Representation - FS-Case-495660857 - Baker Estates
- FS-Case-495806250 - Sarah Human - V11
- FS-Case-495858111 - Bickington Parish Council - GC13
- FS-Case-495940747 - Marcel Venn - V6
Site plan with flood plan
Statement of Significance - FS-Case-495943675 - Marcel Venn - EE1
- FS-Case-495945047 - Marcel Venn on behalf of Trevor Cligg - V18
- FS-Case-495949992 - Marcel Venn on behalf of P Batten - V8
- FS-Case-496032724 - Origin3 on behalf of Bloor Homes - Long Lane
- FS-Case-496037611 - Origin3 on behalf of Barret David Wilson Homes - NA3
- FS-Case-496092530 - Action on Climate Change in Teignbridge
- FS-Case-496247873 - Oneleven Property Ltd on behalf of Leander Developments
- FS-Case-496248669 - Rapleys on behalf of the Caravan and Motorhome Club
- FS-Case-496252505 - Lichfields on behalf of Vistry
Air Quality Assessment Report
EAD Technical Note
Landscape Technical Note
Sketch Masterplan
Vistry Reg 19 Reps - FS-Case-496263685 - CG Fry and Son
- FS-Case-496265428 - Wakako Hiroseon behalf of Exeter Racecourse Jockey Club Racecourses
- FS-Case-496272283 - Oneleven Property Ltd on behalf of Community Homes South West
Appendices 1-5 - Site location, Vision Document
Appendices 6-8 - Landscape Appraisal, Ecological Appraisal, Footpath Design - FS-Case-496288303 - Peter Keenan - Teignmouth Riverside Boatyard
- FS-Case-496302334 - Peter Keenan - Teignmouth Riverside Boatyard
- FS-Case-496306786 - Karen O'Neill
- FS-Case-496322796 - Origin3 on behalf of Barret David Wilson Homes
- FS-Case-497647994 - Susan Dawe on behalf of Shepherds Lane
- FS-Case-503496192 - Summerfield Planning Ltd - Land west of Teignmouth Road, Dawlish
Appendix 1 - Technical Note
Appendix A - Presentation
Appendix B - Site Options
Appendix B (Appendix 1) - Site Location Plan
Appendix B (Appendix 2) - Representation
Appendix B (Appendix 3) - Call for sites Supplementary Information
Appendix B (Appendix 4) - Planning Context
Appendix B (Appendix 5) - Summary
Appendix B (Appendix 6) - Ecological Appraisal
Appendix B (Appendix 7) - Flood Risk and Drainage
Appendix B (Appendix 8) - Carbon Reduction Assessment
Appendix B (Appendix 9) - Historic Environment Statement
Appendix B (Appendix 10) - Location and Historic Environment
Appendix C- - Concept Plan Submission Document (April 2022) - FS-Case-504518477 - Darren Summerfield on behalf of Orgin3
Appendix 1 - Land Registry title Plan
Appendix 2 - Letter
Appendix 3 - Summary of changes to Settlement Boundary - FS-Case-505481474 - Summerfield Planning - V2
Appendix A (Appendix 1) - Site Location Plan
Appendix A (Appendix 2) - Representation
Appendix A (Appendix 3) - Submission to Call for Sites
Appendix A (Appendix 4) Supp info p1-26 - Potential Development sites in Bishopsteignton
Appendix A (Appendix 4) Supp info p27-52 - Potential Development sites in Bishopsteignton
Appendix A (Appendix 5) - Visibility Analysis from A381
Appendix A (Appendix 6) - Masterplan
Appendix A (Appendix 7) - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Appendix A (Appendix 8) - Flood Risk and Drainage
Appendix A (Appendix 9) - Carbon Reduction Assessment
Appendix A (Appendix 10) - HES Fig 1 - Location and Historic Environment
Appendix A (Appendix 10) - Historic Env
Appendix A - Submission to Regulation 18
Appendix B - Transport and Access Appraisal
Appendix C - Access, Movement and Capacity Plan - FS-Case-505662805 - Summerfield Planning Ltd - V4
Appendix 3 - Transport Technical Note
Appendix 4 - Flood Risk, Drainage and Utilities
Baseline Biodiversity Calculation
Illustrative Framework
Public Open Space Plan
Vision document - FS-Case-506812254 - Savills on behalf of Bloor and Redrow - GC13
Appendix A - Concept Plan Option 1 with Secondary School
Appendix B - Concept Plan Option 2 with Secondary School
Appendix C - Concept Plan Option 3 without Secondary School
Appendix D - Concept Plan Option 4 without Secondary School
Appendix E - Proposed amendments to Policy GC13
Appendix F - Education Report
Appendix G - District Design Code Representations
Appendix H - CIL Representations
Final - Representation to Plan policiesATT-002 Representation Attachments – Addendum
- FS-Case-567624821 - SF Planning
SF Planning - site location plan
Land at Heathlands, Bovey Tracey - FS-Case-569370149 - Bryan Turner, Kingsley Projects on behalf of Ilsington Parish
Teignbridge Local Plan 2020-2040 Analysis
Proposed Site - FS-Case-569409284 - Ilsington Parish Council
Teignbridge Local Plan 2020-2040 Analysis - FS-Case-570111609 - Bloor and Redrow
Appendix A- Concept Plan Option 1 with Secondary School
Appendix B- Concept Plan Option 2 with Secondary School
Appendix C- Concept Plan Option 3 without Secondary School
Appendix D- Concept Plan Option 4 without Secondary School
Appendix E- Concept Plan Option 5 Unrestricted Ridge Height
Appendix F- Concept Plan Option 6 Ridge height of 100m AOD
Appendix G- Proposed amendments to Policy GC13
Appendix H- Objection to District Design Code
Appendix I- Representations to Bradmore Design Code
Final- Full Representations to Addendum Consultation - FS-Case-570111609 - Savills on behalf of Bloor and Redrow
Appendix A- Concept Plan Option 1 with Secondary School
Appendix B- Concept Plan Option 2 with Secondary School
Appendix C- Concept Plan Option 3 without Secondary School
Appendix D- Concept Plan Option 4 without Secondary School
Final- Full Representation to Addendum Consultation - FS-Case-570143494– MLPD on behalf of Wyse Group
- FS-Case-570146477- MLPD on behalf of Haldon A S Excavations
- FS-Case-570149989- MLPD on behalf of Still Waters Capital Ltd
- FS-Case-570162722 - MLPD on behalf of Foreshore Southern
- FS-Case-570228064 - PCL Planning on behalf of Waddeton Park Ltd
Addendum Final
Appendix A - Site Location Plan
Appendix Bi - Representation and illustrative masterplan
Appendix Bii - Illustrative Masterplan
Appendix C - 2012 Regulation 18 consultation - FS-Case-570496538 – MLPD on behalf of Ugbrooke Estate
- FS-Case-570506806- Devon and Cornwall Police
- FS-Case-570738080 - Q+A Planning on behalf of TMP
- FS-Case-570812086 - Hayley Bacon
Peamore concept
Screenshot - FS-Case-570837540 - Matthew Diamond, Holcombe Residents Association
Consultation Response from HRA, OPRA & FOWD
Local Green Space Petition
Local Green Space Petition Plan
Local Green Space Petition - paper version (redacted) - FS-Case-570870700 - Cllr Robert Steemson - Bradmore Design Code
- FS-Case-570893745 - Darren Summerfield - East of Brook House
Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan
Appendix 2 - Letter
Appendix 3 - Concept Layout
Appendix 4 - Extract of Full Council document
Appendix 5 - Sustainability Appraisal
Appendix 6 - Site context and concept plan
Appendix 7 Flood and Drainage
Appendix 8 - Ecological Constraints and Opportunities
Appendix 9 - Tree Survey
East of Brooke House - Development Framework - FS-Case-571274596 – OP on behalf of Community Homes SW (Dolbeare Road)
Appendix 1 - Landscape Statement
Appendix 2 - Road Bridge images
Appendix 3 - Concept Masterplan - FS-Case-571310628- Savills on behalf of Arnold White Group
Higher Staplehill
Sustainability Appraisal - FS-Case-571313336 - Lichfields on behalf of Vistry
Landscape Note
Sketch Masterplan - FS-Case-571337828 - Savills on behalf of BDWH
Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan
Appendix 2 - Vision Document
Appendix 3a - Flood Risk
Appendix 3b - Access and Connectivity
Appendix 3c - Landscape and Visual
Appendix 3d - Ecology
Appendix 4 - Development Framework and Green Infrastructure - FS-Case-571372070 - Chris Collison
- FS-Case-571379862 - LANDRA Developments Lt
- FS-Case-573515479 - Stantec on behalf of StrongVox Ltd
- FS-Case-573587651- The Dawe Trustees (Susan Dawe)
Appendix A
Appendix Bii - FS-Case-573670106 - SF Planning - Please see FS-Case-567624821 above
- FS-Case-588500934 - Boyer Planning on behalf of BDWH
Langford Bridge
Socioeconomic Footprint - NHS Property Services - Policies GP6H, H3, H9