7. Green Strategy archive
Strategy update
We are currently refreshing and extending the Teignbridge Green Infrastructure Strategy
A large number of comments on the Consultation Draft were received and were mainly supportive, but with points of detail to be amended or included within the final report. A Schedule of Representations - Comments Received has been compiled and comments collated and responses provided in a Schedule of Representations - Council Responses.
The Consultation Draft with proposed changes was presented to the Executive Committee for approval on 30 September 2014. Councillors approved the strategy as technical guidance for Development Management to support policies WE11 and HT3 of the Local Plan. A final version of the document will be uploaded to this website shortly.
What is Green Infrastructure?
A network of green spaces connecting people and places, providing opportunities for communities to enjoy healthier, happier and more sustainable lifestyles.
The networks also deliver benefits by:-
- linking existing and creating new wildlife habitats to secure a greater abundance and diversity of plants and animals
- providing green spaces protecting the identity of settlements and the special landscape qualities and features of an area
- helping us to respond positively to the challenges of climate change, food and energy security
- providing opportunities to create more attractive business environments and provide new 'green' trading opportunities.
Why does Teignbridge need a Green Infrastructure Strategy?
Quality of place and life in the area is high. Communities are strong. The attractive natural and built environment hosts features of national and international importance. The local economy is relatively buoyant.
While Teignbridge is already a great place to live, work and visit we can make the place even better through the delivery of a comprehensive network of multi-functional green spaces.
What area does the extended strategy cover?
The refreshed and extended Green Infrastructure strategy covers the coast, rural areas and the 'Heart' of Teignbridge which focuses on areas surrounding Newton Abbot. The strategy forms an over-arching Teign Green Network for Teignbridge, excluding Dartmoor National Park and the South West of Exeter. This strategy will replace the 'Heart of Teignbridge' Strategy that was approved by committee in 2011 and act alongside the 'Exeter Area' Strategy approved in 2009.
'Heart of Teignbridge' Strategy
The 'Heart of Teignbridge' Strategy is being refreshed and incorporated within an over-arching Teign Green Network Plan for Teignbridge that includes the coastal and rural areas but excludes Dartmoor National Park and the South West of Exeter.
Where is the 'Heart of Teignbridge'?
The 'Heart of Teignbridge' strategy covers Newton Abbot, Kingsteignton, Bovey Tracey and surrounding areas. The strategy will eventually form part of an over-arching Teign Green Network Plan for Teignbridge, excluding the Dartmoor National Park.
What does the Strategy propose?
The key strategy proposal is the provision of a network of multi-use open space corridors linking people, places and habitats. A total of 18 'Big Ideas' are included in the Strategy which, in combination, will have a transformational impact on the area and people's quality of life.
How was the Strategy put together?
The outputs of a stakeholder event held in March 2010 have informed the approved strategy. A consultation exercise on a draft strategy was held in March/April 2011. The consultation exercise was based on three documents; the Consultation Draft Strategy, supported by the Appendices and Network Plan. Many comments from the public, agencies, local groups and landowners were submitted. A Schedule of Representations has been produced detailing comments received.
A Report on proposed strategy document changes in response to consultation representations was approved by the our Executive in July 2011.
Strategic Environmental Assessment, Equality Impact Assessment, Appropriate Assessment, Green Infrastructure Statement Proforma
'Exeter Area' Strategy
What part of Teignbridge does the 'Exeter Area' strategy cover?
The 'Exeter Area' strategy includes that part of Teignbridge located to the south west of Exeter. The main part of the Strategy area is outside of Teignbridge extending across Exeter City to part of the East Devon area, including the new community at Cranbrook. The study area coincides with that of the Exeter Area and East Devon Growth Point.
What does the Strategy propose?
Cross local authority boundary provision of high quality green infrastructure through a number of strategic projects and key initiatives identified in three 'Area Frameworks', including the 'South West of Exeter'. The Exeter Area Green Infrastructure Study and Strategy has been 'Commended' at the South West RTPI Awards for Planning Achievement 2010.
- Exeter GI Strategy Part 1
- Exeter GI Strategy Part 2
- Exeter GI Study Summary
- Exeter GI Study Report Chapters 1 to 5
- Exeter GI Study Report Chapters 6 to 9
- Exeter GI Study Appendix Chapters 1 to 7
- Exeter GI Study Appendix Chapters 8 to 10
Final Report dated July 2011 incorporating the approved changes has been published.