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Housing Delivery Test - Action Plan (Updated October 2023)

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1. Summary

In June 2022 we published our first Housing Delivery Test Action Plan, as housing delivery fell below 95% of the local planning authority’s housing requirement over the previous three years. This October 2023 update should be read alongside the 2022 Action Plan.

The 2022 Action Plan and this October 2023 update has been prepared with teams across Teignbridge – Planning Policy, Delivery, Development Management and Housing. We have also gathered views from landowners, agents and developers through a questionnaire, and offered a meeting to discuss issues.

Part 1: Housing Delivery Analysis sets out the current situation.

Part 2: Actions to Support Housing Delivery shows how TDC have progressed against each of the Actions which were identified in the 2022 Action Plan.

2022 Action Plan Progress in 2023
Action 1 - Progressing towards finalisation of a Proposed Submission Local Plan later this year which will include a broad range of site sizes including a substantial proportion of smaller allocations. Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Local Plan 2020-2040 was consulted upon early in 2023. Following analysis of the consultation responses the Proposed Submission Local Plan 2020–2040 - Addendum went to Full Council on 17 October 2023. Subject to some amendments it was approved for consultation and Submission.
Action 2 - Increasing the use of Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) across all scales of development and stages of the development management process. We are increasing the use of PPAs. We are working to increase the planning officer resource. We are achieving success with applicants aspirations. We have engaged with the PAS PPA template to try to do more.
Action 3 - Determining planning applications that are clearly not acceptable for development without negotiation unless a PPA timetable is in place. Also proactively offering a pre application service.

Significant progress with large allocation sites at South West Exeter, Dawlish, Bradley Barton, Newton Abbot.

However, determination of minor applications has slowed overall.

Recruitment in the development management team has been challenging. We are working to raise the profile of our approach to applications and the acceptance of amendments – including Planning applications - Amending a current non-major planning application

Action 4 - Working with developers and infrastructure providers to unlock development through the early delivery of infrastructure improvements.

Significant successes have occurred with the opening of the South West Exeter Ridgetop Park, also the commencement of the Dawlish Link bridge.

A monthly New Neighbourhood meeting has been set up where officers from across the planning and delivery teams meet to discuss issues around large infrastructure and other key projects.