1. What is the Local Plan?
Our current Local Plan sets out the policies, proposals and actions for us to meet the environmental, social and economic challenges facing the area up to 2033. It runs from 2013 - 2033 and was adopted on 6 May 2014.
Why is the Plan being reviewed?
- requirement by law to review the Local Plan every 5 years
- ensures the Local Plan is up to date and reflects the changing needs of the area
- an ‘out-of-date’ Local Plan could be superseded by National Policy - this would mean that a “presumption in favour” of sustainable development would apply and development could occur on land not identified for development in the Local Plan.
What is in the proposed Submission Local Plan Addendum Consultation?
A summary of the contents and key points of the latest November 2023 Regulation 19 proposed submission Local Plan Addendum is contained in the Need to Know Guide.
Timescale for Review
Early stages of the Draft Local Plan Review 2020-2040 were prepared in multiple parts.
- The Draft Local Plan Review 2020-2040 (Part 1) was available for consultation between 23 March and 13 July 2020. It contained draft policies to guide decisions taken on proposed new development.
- The Draft Local Plan Review 2020-2040 (Part 2) Site Options was available for consultation between 28 June 2021 and 9 August 2021. It contained possible residential, employment and education development sites.
- The Draft Local Plan Review 2020-2040 (Part 3) Wind Turbine, Gypsy and Traveller and Small Residential Site Options was available for consultation between 15 November 2021 and 24 January 2022.
- The Proposed Submission Local Plan 2020-2040 was available for consultation between 23 January 2023 and 13 March 2023.
- Next step: consultation on Local Plan Addendum.
Following consideration of all the consultation responses to the Proposed Submission Local Plan Addendum, we will submit the Plan to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to begin proceedings for a public examination.
The full timescale is set out in the Local Development Scheme.