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Proposed Submission Local Plan 2020-2040

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13. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Review

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new development that is used to pay for improving and providing new infrastructure, including roads, education, recreation and public transport facilities. 

It was first adopted in Teignbridge on 13 October 2014. It is a transparent and fair way of ensuring that new development contributes to the provision of essential local facilities when the development takes place. 

We are reviewing our CIL charges as set out in the new draft Charging Schedule.  The review is needed following production of the new Local Plan 2020-2040.  

We are consulting on the following documents:

CIL Draft Charging Schedule (November 2023) 

 CIL Policies and Guidance (November 2023) 

The following are supporting documents:

CIL Consultation Representations Analysis (May 2023)  

Viability Evidence Report  (October 2023)

Existing CIL Rates (Adopted 2014)

The consultation closed on noon 8 January 2024