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Finding planning related information about a property

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1. Planning related information

We are often asked for planning related information about land or properties. A lot of this information is available online.

If you are purchasing a property we recommend that you or your solicitor submit a local land charges search.

The following information including documents where relevant is available spatially via My Neighbourhood Map. Instructions on how to use the map are on the next page.

View planning decision notices and planning documents.

Compliance with planning conditions - Where a permission has been granted with conditions, and the applicant has applied to discharge these conditions there will be additional records with the same main number but with the suffix of /COND1, /COND2 etc. The number following the suffix relates to the number of requests not the number of the condition. More recently we have also added a Condition Discharge Summary document on the main planning file. If you require written confirmation of compliance with conditions there is a fee per application reference for each request. See our planning fees

Section 38 and Section 278 agreements relate to highways. You should contact Devon County Council with any queries but our land charges section can provide copies of these agreements by emailing

Section 104 agreements - contact South West Water

Planning permission expiry - Planning permissions are granted subject to commencement within a set number of years which is stated as a condition on the planning decision notice. If works do not commence within this timescale then the planning permission will lapse. If a material start is made within the timescale then the permission is secured and can be completed at any time in the future.

Use Class - the use class of a property/site is that which was last approved, provided the use of the property was actually changed following approval. If the use was not changed following approval and the permission as expired then a new application would be needed to change the use. The use class is the last lawful use of the property since planning began in 1947 therefore if there is no planning history the use class is whatever the use was in 1947. 

The Teignbridge Local Plan Interactive Map (as at date of adoption 6 May 2014 - not updated) shows allocated land for employment or housing, road or road improvements, air quality management areas, settlement limits, town centre boundaries, undeveloped coast and lots more. The plan is currently under review and a new plan is likely to be adopted in early 2024

View  planning advice for more information about planning permission.