2. Teignbridge landscape character
The Teignbridge Landscape Character Assessment 2023 describes the diversity and distinctive qualities and features of the Teignbridge landscape and how it has been shaped by natural and human influences over time. It contains guidelines that seek to conserve and enhance the landscape whilst also enabling sustainable development.
The assessment is used to guide landscape change both in relation to development and to land management and it includes guidance and recommendations for conserving, enhancing and restoring the distinctive characteristics, special qualities and features of the area.
There are 12 Devon Landscape Character Areas (LCAs) within Teignbridge (excluding the area within Dartmoor National Park), each with their own distinctive sense of place, e.g. Teign Estuary, Exe Estuary & Farmlands, Bovey Basin.
There are 18 Devon Landscape Character Types (LCTs) which describe geographical features. e.g. wooded ridges & hilltops, river valley slopes & combes, and estuaries.
Teignbridge Landscape Character Assessment 2023
The LCAs and LCTs can be viewed on the Local Plan Policies Map: